Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bit of a Peeve

One thing that i think is annoying that is really becoming quite the trend is when people try to brag about the intellectual things that they do and label themselves as "nerds". I'm sorry if you fall into this category (I do it too), but you must know that it is a transparent trait. Here are some examples:

"...yeah, I was going to go out, but then, oh god I'm such a nerd, I ended up getting really into 'Faulkner's essays of a Tyrant' and before I knew it, the night was over."

-Yeah, you clearly just didn't feel like going out, and also wanted to let us know that you read superior subject matter, that no one else has the patience for. Obviously, you don't think you're a nerd for it or you would be insecure about and not tell us. Nobody asked. Remember that.

"...Well, I thought Tropic Thunder was good, God I'm such a dork, I watch movies differently though, like from a director's point of view and, like breakdown the exposition and character development and so forth. It's such a plague to have to watch movies like that."

-No. You choose to watch movies like that. It's fine to say it and then have a conversation about the mechanics and structure of the movie if you want. But don't assume that no one else has ever thought about how a movie is made, just because you had a film class or two in college.

"...I know, I'm lame. I can't get anything done throughout the rest of the day unless I run 4 miles in the morning."

-Usually this is paired with having a very good body and positive personality, which I love in people. But it is, in no way, lame to run in the morning. you're better for it and that is why you do it. And you know damn well that everyone else wishes that they ran every morning, but they don't have the discipline to do it.

I don't hate the people that do this at all. I just don't see the point in not being up front about it and be proud of what you're interested in.

Sorry I haven't blogged in forever.
