Friday, September 21, 2007


So guess what happened today.



Fuck off, just guess.



Close, but no.

Here, I'll give you a hint: Green Mermaid.

Ew, gross. No.

Alright, It starts with S and ends in RBUCKS.

Yep, that's right folks, the green lady herself moved in downstairs at our building today. Anthony has already dropped the best 4 bucks he's ever spent on a grande iced chai and I, well, I'm just pissed they haven't been giving free shit away all day. I'm holding out for my double shot Americana on the house or a sweet hoodie or something.

Sure, Intelligentsia makes the best coffee around, but I give you my $50 a week because I am too lazy to walk the 4 blocks to get the good stuff. Don't piss me off too much or I might try to stage a coup.

Come on, Starbucks, you're a corporate giant. You can foot the celebratory $3 on opening day to ensure my patronage. Don't be a prude.



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