Monday, March 31, 2008

Growing up...

I just watched the first twenty minutes of the movie "Kiss kiss Bang Bang". I bought this movie over Christmas. I had seen it Twice. TWICE within the past year and a half. I liked it a lot. Enough to buy it obviously. I thought that Robert Downey Jr. did a great job along with Val Kilmer and the plot was clever enough to more than keep me interested.

Tonight, Downey made me want to throw him into a burning house. Every other line was a cheesy, predictable anecdote, and he talks so fast that he manages to get three times the amount of them in there without my hate properly catching up and prompting me to kick the TV in.

My question: Why the change of heart? How could my perspective have changed this dramatically in a year? The movie sucked. Am I maturing (with a hard "T")? Or am I becoming more judgmental?

I am maturing.

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